
St Mary’s R.C. Bazaar, Lochee

By March 24th, 2024No Comments

The bazaar for behoof of St Mary’s R.C. Church, Lochee, which was opened Thursday, was resuraed yesterday Mary’s Hall. In spite of the counter attractions incident to New Year’s Day, there was a good attendance at the reopening ceremony. The Rev. Father Van de Rydt presided, and was supported by the Right Rev. Dr Smith, the bishop of the diocese, the Rev. Father Macdonald, Councillor Elliot, Matthew M’Kenna, Mr James Hennessy, and Mr Finnigan. The Rev. Chairman, after brief reference to tha object the bazaar, remarked that they had been fortunate in securing the person Councillor Elliot, who was to reopen the fancy fair, one who was so well known them all, and with whom they had always had such amicable relations, thai formal introduction was scarcely necessary.

Mr Elliot commenced by remarking that it was a happy thought which struck the promoters that undertaking when they resolved having fancy fair, and, if was to judge his surroundings, was at the same time equally appropriate indeed, he did not known of any scheme that would have commended itself happily to the minds the congregation of Mary’s, well as those many of the inhabitants Lochee, movement which would embrace the placing of their church on footing financial stability, and at the same time give them opportunity beautifying and adorning it accordance with modern ideas taste and refinement.

The inhabitants of whatever their faults, had strong regard tor their own particular places worship, and need not point out that during recent years certain sections of them had spared effort till their churches had , been converted, like the lamp of Aladdin, into new ones. But that was not all. Each congregation vied with another the taste, style, and artistic decoration of their different churches, and further, they did not rest content in either until they saw them cleared of the burden debt hanging over them, which clogged their usefulness and progress. Then if that was the case with other denominations in Lochee, he asked why St Mary’s should not be placed the same satisfactory position?

In fact, with the resources they had within themselves, it was a matter lor wonder that they had long refrained from taking steps gain end so desirable, for liquidating debt ami for other praiseworthy objects were the order of tha day, and, except in few isolated cases, he haij never heard their seeinliuess utility called ia question. He held the opinion that bazaars and fancy fairs had been the means of doing much good, and infinitesimally little harm.

They were tha means by which people could combine together, putting shoulder to shoulder to achieve one common end. Mr Elliot thereafter stateJl that the adornment of places worship was not confined to the present day, and referred to minute decoration of the abbeys and cathedrals oil bygone day. The adornment of places of worship was a step the right direction. observed that the members of St Mary’s Hall every reason to grateful to the Rev. Father Van de Rydt and his assistant, the Rev. Father Macdonald, for the efforts they were putting forth in behalf of their church. Elliot concluded expressing tha hope that they would successful raising tha money they required, trusted they would all have good New Year, and begged leave to declare the bazaar now open. (Applause.)

Thereupon business was resumed the stalls, and ere long became very brisk. All through tha day the fair was well patronised, and numerouo sales were effected. The amount drawn yesterday at the various stalls was £143 12s, which, with £310 10s ld taken; on Thursday, brings up the drawings to 2s Id.

Dundee Courier – Saturday 02 January 1892